
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sweet Mint Sun Tea

It was 100 degrees at my house by noon today.  One good thing about this heat is that my herb garden is flourishing, and sun tea is easy to make.  Here's a super easy recipe so you can whip some up yourself!

1 sun tea jar
2 large tea bags (not single use bags - the ones for a full pot of tea)
4 sprigs of fresh sweet mint

Fill your sun tea jar with water, leaving about an inch at the top.  Rinse your mint off, then put it in the water.  You can add more or less to taste.  Sometimes I'll put in a sprig of lemon balm, too, for a little lemony flavor.  Put both tea bags in the water, making sure to leave the strings out and screw the lid on.  Place your jar outside in a sunny place for an hour or two.  For stronger tea, leave it out longer.  The darker your tea gets, the stronger it will taste.  Bring your jar back inside and remove the tea bags and mint.  For sweet tea, add 3/4 cup to 1 cup of sugar and stir well.  Serve over ice. 

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