
Monday, February 27, 2012

Think Teal

My mom was named after Elizabeth Taylor, and they shared today as their birthday. And I was named after my mom. Elizabeth Taylor was my grandmother's favorite actress.

My grandmother was named Elsie Lee. Apparently she and her sister were both named by nurses because their mom (my great-grandmother) either didn't want to name them, or couldn't come up with names. I think my Nana came out better on the deal than her sister who is named Vesta Gertrude (she goes by "Emma," and I can't imagine why...).

Nana, Gramps, Alison and I
When I told Nana I was getting married, her advice to me was,

"I am going to tell you the same thing I told your mom and your sister when they got married. DO NOT name any children you might have after me. I hate my name, and wouldn't wish it on anyone."

She was quite the character. For proof of that, here Nana is, with balloons under her shirt, and wearing her dentures as earrings:

Nana, being Nana
Mom was a character, too. But they were characters on different levels. I doubt she would have posed with balloons and dentures!

I have so many stories about them. I'll save some of those for a different day, though. Part of their stories are sad, but necessary to tell to hopefully save others. My grandmother had breast cancer, and had to have a mastectomy. When she went in for surgery, the doctor found that she had drawn a smiley face on her chest in permanent marker - and that's not even the wackiest story I have about her (as is probably evidenced by the above photo). She passed away years later, however, it was suspected her cancer had returned. My mother passed away from ovarian cancer. It was only one month after the tumor was found and she was gone.

My baptism: Mom, the pastor, me, and my dad (isn't he handsome?)
Today, in honor of Elizabeth and Elsie, please click the teal ribbon below to visit the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition's website to learn more about ovarian cancer and its signs and symptoms, as well as it's possible links to breast cancer. You may just save a life. It may be yours.

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