To catch up, "things" sixteen through twenty-three will follow shortly. If you want to catch up on "things" click here.
Sixteen: What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
- my Bachelors degree
- landing a new job
- having a happy family
- having great friends
- being happy
This is probably going to sound frivolous to most, but I wish I were better at video games, because I am (by far) the worst in my family and I fear I'm not very fun to play with.
Eighteen: What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
I struggled with issues surrounding my mom's death for quite some time: forgiving myself for not being around more before she was gone, forgiving others for not being truthful with me about how sick she really was, forgiving doctors and nurses for not saving her, forgiving her for leaving (incredibly contrite words, no doubt, but ones you will probably understand if you have lost someone).
Nineteen: If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Just in case you were wondering, I answered this question first, because it is most exciting to me. I would live on an island in Maine (preferably one that I owned in its entirety). We would have a beautiful New England style house with a big, relaxing porch overlooking the Atlantic.
Twenty: Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
- Taking Mickey Mouse (Gickey Gouse) with me EVERYWHERE. Literally.
- Playing "roads" with Alisa and Raven
- The time Alison cut my hair for "dress-up" and hid it in the chair cushion. When my dad asked her if she had done it, and she lied, he told her he was going to send the hair to the FBI and they would fingerprint it and tell him if she had done it. Then she bawled hysterically and confessed. I had to get a super short hair cut to even it out, and Alison got a mullet for punishment. Seriously. I have pictures.
Those probably aren't as "significant" as the author of this question intended, but what the hell.
Twenty-one: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
I would want to slow time to revel in the spectacular moments in life that are fleeting. I would slow time on the next amazing day that comes along.
Twenty-two: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
Wow, in 5 years Sam and Mike will both be in college. That's crazy enough. But that's not me, that's them. It's really hard to think beyond that. Honestly, it's fun to dream, but I've learned that it's better to go with the flow and not worry about your 5- 10- 15- year plan because life never, ever turns out the way you think. I'd like to go back for my Master's Degree at some point. I'd like to advance at my job. It'd be cool to live on an island in Maine (see 19). A decade ago, when I was getting ready to enter my senior year, I would have never dreamed I'd be where I am right now. Which, incidentally, is sitting in the same chair Alison hid my hair in (see 20), listening to Harry, Mike, and Sam kill zombies on Call of Duty, writing a blog (I don't even know if blogs existed back then-if so I didn't know about them) about completely random tidbits about myself.
Twenty-three: List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
- Photography - so you never forget your past or where you've been
- Writing - for the ability to express oneself, then hit the delete key and find a better way to express oneself
- Gardening - this is a new one, but I love to watch something come from nothing and be able to personally reap the benefits of it
- Sight-seeing - the ability to see new things, learn about history, or experience something new never gets old
- Reading - because with the turn of a page I can be anywhere I want
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