I have a really great, long-time friend (not old friend, because we aren't old), who has been going through some rough times lately. She recently wrote a blog about 5 little words spoken to her by her dad. It's part of your journey, he told her when she spoke of her anger, sadness, and frustration. She said it was like 5 nails in a coffin.
Abby, my friend, don't think of these words, events, and frustrations as nails in your coffin. Yes, they are part of your journey, but more than anything, they are 5 strings that have been cut, snapped, and let loose, freeing you for that journey. You're now off where you were always headed, taking a turn down a road you never saw, but that was part of the plan, even if it wasn't your plan.
I've struggled with what to say to you, other than I'm here for you, which hopefully you already knew. We all get handed the short end of the stick at some point in life, but there's no point in comparing experiences because nobody gets the same stick. Even with some of the things I have dealt with in life, I firmly believe there is a reason why each and every thing happens. You can't always see it in the moment. You can't always see it ten years down the line, but it's there. Looking back on this years from now, you will probably remember life before the accident and after. There will be a huge differentiation; it will be like a mark on your very soul. It's going to change you, for the better. How do I know this? Mostly because you're a badass. You're caring, contemplative, thoughtful. You will take in each and every fractured fragment of this experience and carry it with you for the rest of your life. You are not the kind of person who will become bitter. You'll have hard days where you'll cry and wonder why, what if, and what could have been. We all do. But then you'll realize how amazing everything turned out anyway, and be glad that you were lead down this rocky, bumpy, pot-hole filled road. Life is never going to turn out the way we plan it. That's what makes things interesting. It's not always sunshine and laughter, but sometimes we have to weather the storm to really appreciate the beautiful days.
I love you.
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