
Friday, November 1, 2013

The Return of Saturn

Of late, it seems like I am constantly hearing my friends say things like, "this year was so hard," or, "I just don't know what direction my life is heading into," or, "I don't understand why this is happening," and sadly, "I'm just not happy anymore." Should she continue her education? Is she dating the right person? Does she live in the right place? Will her family be healthy? Happy?

It's mentioned frequently in art, music in particular. Gwen Stefani talked about it years ago, and Katy Perry talked about it most recently on her new album. The Return of Saturn

After doing a little research on the internet, it seems that in our late 20s, Saturn returns to the point in the sky where it was at our birth. According to astrology, this causes a bit of an upheaval in our personal lives. If you don't believe in astrology, think of it this way: moving from one's 20s to one's 30s usually involves a lot of milestones that can be stressful and make one question everything. Careers, marriage, babies, the health of aging parents, etc. can all come into play at this point.

In my investigation, I discovered a wonderful little blog with a "Survival Guide" to your Return of Saturn. Check it out here: How to Survive Your Saturn Return. She has some pretty great advice for dealing with this major checkpoint of life, and life in general. I'm sure everyone has heard at least some of these tips before, but seeing it from another perspective is always useful. 

Borrowing a little phrase: Read, ponder, and pray. These three simple steps can bring you into a greater understanding of your world.


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