Earlier while I was at work, a woman named Angela came in and told me she was looking for an outfit to wear tonight when she went out with her friends. I asked where she was going and she said her and her girlfriends from high school had rented a limo and were going out to a nice dinner and then dancing at a club. We picked out some jeans and some fun tops and she got started trying on.
She modeled her outfits for her two young daughters and me. We debated what shoes to wear and whether she should wear a necklace. I told her she was going to look so cute and have such a good time with her friends.
"Yeah. I wish we were going out for a happy occasion, but hopefully we will have fun," Angela remarked as she got ready to change back into her clothes.
"Oh really? What's going on? What's the occasion?" I half expected her to tell me it was a divorce party (we get a lot of women coming out to celebrate that, or get their minds' off of it, one or the other).
"One of my friends just finished her 4th round of chemo, and there's been no improvement, so we're taking her out to have fun and prove to ourselves that there are still good things in life," she said.
I felt my eyes start to well up, but managed to hold back tears. Incidentally that would have been at least the 4th time I've cried at work in the last two weeks, so thankfully I managed to hold back. I expressed my condolences, but assured her of what a good friend she was and that I was sure they would all have so much fun spending time with each other.
At the register, Angela mentioned that it had been 12 years since high school and since all 14 of the girls had been together (which would only make her 30-ish), and that she couldn't wait to see everyone and have fun. She talked about where they were having dinner, and the tables and bottles they had reserved at the clubs. The excitement was clearly and understandably mixed with other emotions.
On one hand, I am so sad that it took something so tragic and truly life-altering to get Angela and her friends back together after all this time. On the other, I couldn't be happier that they are going to go out and live it up, at least one more time, to create some amazing lasting memories. When I think about how quickly life can change, and at any age, it really makes me appreciate the people I have in my life.
Realize that you are blessed. Appreciate who and what you have around you. Let those who matter to you know that they do. Understand that no one is perfect but life is too short. Know that there are still good things in life. Raise a glass to Angela and her friends. Here's to you.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
what a day.
I am like a fish...
I'm gonna float a-way-ay.
I don't know where my road is,
I don't know where the yard is.
I'm gonna float a-way-ay.
I don't know where my road is,
I don't know where the yard is.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sixteen to twenty-three
Okay, so obviously I have some work to do with this "blogging every day thing," which I guess is why I started this challenge in the first place. At least I know my flaws. Sigh.
To catch up, "things" sixteen through twenty-three will follow shortly. If you want to catch up on "things" click here.
Sixteen: What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
This is probably going to sound frivolous to most, but I wish I were better at video games, because I am (by far) the worst in my family and I fear I'm not very fun to play with.
Eighteen: What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
I struggled with issues surrounding my mom's death for quite some time: forgiving myself for not being around more before she was gone, forgiving others for not being truthful with me about how sick she really was, forgiving doctors and nurses for not saving her, forgiving her for leaving (incredibly contrite words, no doubt, but ones you will probably understand if you have lost someone).
Nineteen: If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Just in case you were wondering, I answered this question first, because it is most exciting to me. I would live on an island in Maine (preferably one that I owned in its entirety). We would have a beautiful New England style house with a big, relaxing porch overlooking the Atlantic.
Twenty: Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
Twenty-one: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
I would want to slow time to revel in the spectacular moments in life that are fleeting. I would slow time on the next amazing day that comes along.
Twenty-two: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
Wow, in 5 years Sam and Mike will both be in college. That's crazy enough. But that's not me, that's them. It's really hard to think beyond that. Honestly, it's fun to dream, but I've learned that it's better to go with the flow and not worry about your 5- 10- 15- year plan because life never, ever turns out the way you think. I'd like to go back for my Master's Degree at some point. I'd like to advance at my job. It'd be cool to live on an island in Maine (see 19). A decade ago, when I was getting ready to enter my senior year, I would have never dreamed I'd be where I am right now. Which, incidentally, is sitting in the same chair Alison hid my hair in (see 20), listening to Harry, Mike, and Sam kill zombies on Call of Duty, writing a blog (I don't even know if blogs existed back then-if so I didn't know about them) about completely random tidbits about myself.
Twenty-three: List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
To catch up, "things" sixteen through twenty-three will follow shortly. If you want to catch up on "things" click here.
Sixteen: What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
- my Bachelors degree
- landing a new job
- having a happy family
- having great friends
- being happy
This is probably going to sound frivolous to most, but I wish I were better at video games, because I am (by far) the worst in my family and I fear I'm not very fun to play with.
Eighteen: What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
I struggled with issues surrounding my mom's death for quite some time: forgiving myself for not being around more before she was gone, forgiving others for not being truthful with me about how sick she really was, forgiving doctors and nurses for not saving her, forgiving her for leaving (incredibly contrite words, no doubt, but ones you will probably understand if you have lost someone).
Nineteen: If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Just in case you were wondering, I answered this question first, because it is most exciting to me. I would live on an island in Maine (preferably one that I owned in its entirety). We would have a beautiful New England style house with a big, relaxing porch overlooking the Atlantic.
Twenty: Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
- Taking Mickey Mouse (Gickey Gouse) with me EVERYWHERE. Literally.
- Playing "roads" with Alisa and Raven
- The time Alison cut my hair for "dress-up" and hid it in the chair cushion. When my dad asked her if she had done it, and she lied, he told her he was going to send the hair to the FBI and they would fingerprint it and tell him if she had done it. Then she bawled hysterically and confessed. I had to get a super short hair cut to even it out, and Alison got a mullet for punishment. Seriously. I have pictures.
Those probably aren't as "significant" as the author of this question intended, but what the hell.
Twenty-one: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
I would want to slow time to revel in the spectacular moments in life that are fleeting. I would slow time on the next amazing day that comes along.
Twenty-two: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
Wow, in 5 years Sam and Mike will both be in college. That's crazy enough. But that's not me, that's them. It's really hard to think beyond that. Honestly, it's fun to dream, but I've learned that it's better to go with the flow and not worry about your 5- 10- 15- year plan because life never, ever turns out the way you think. I'd like to go back for my Master's Degree at some point. I'd like to advance at my job. It'd be cool to live on an island in Maine (see 19). A decade ago, when I was getting ready to enter my senior year, I would have never dreamed I'd be where I am right now. Which, incidentally, is sitting in the same chair Alison hid my hair in (see 20), listening to Harry, Mike, and Sam kill zombies on Call of Duty, writing a blog (I don't even know if blogs existed back then-if so I didn't know about them) about completely random tidbits about myself.
Twenty-three: List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
- Photography - so you never forget your past or where you've been
- Writing - for the ability to express oneself, then hit the delete key and find a better way to express oneself
- Gardening - this is a new one, but I love to watch something come from nothing and be able to personally reap the benefits of it
- Sight-seeing - the ability to see new things, learn about history, or experience something new never gets old
- Reading - because with the turn of a page I can be anywhere I want
Friday, May 25, 2012
Day fifteen: If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?
On a total superficial, fun level, I guess I'd be a dog, so I could hang out with mine, and figure out what they do all day. Plus, they just sleep, eat, and play all day. Exciting stuff.
On a deeper, philosophical level, I'd say a bird. I'm afraid of heights, so maybe with the ability to fly, without the fear of falling, I could see things in a whole new light.
On a total superficial, fun level, I guess I'd be a dog, so I could hang out with mine, and figure out what they do all day. Plus, they just sleep, eat, and play all day. Exciting stuff.
On a deeper, philosophical level, I'd say a bird. I'm afraid of heights, so maybe with the ability to fly, without the fear of falling, I could see things in a whole new light.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Day Fourteen: Describe 5 strengths you have.
Strengths I possess:
Strengths I possess:
- Good at listening
- Sense of direction
- Extensive knowledge of song lyrics
- Being awesome - it's a strategy
- Proofreading
Too bad I can't just list these on a resume and be done.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Day Thirteen: Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
weaknesses (sometimes physical, sometimes mental):
weaknesses (sometimes physical, sometimes mental):
- Dr. Pepper
- Cute dogs
- Upper body strength (as in, I have very little)
- A good home-cooked meal
- Love - that's not really a negative though...
Twelve: Describe a typical day in your current life.
Watch out folks, things are about to get wild. And by wild, I mean boring. A typical day for me...hmm...
Well, I usually wake up when Harry does and take Lola outside. Then, I go get Bridgette, Charlie, and Bella and let them out. Lola comes back in. I might piddle around the house, getting things done around here. Fun stuff like scrubbing toilets, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, your typical housework. Work in the garden. Hang out with the pups. Lunch. Maybe watch Ellen and/or Dr. Phil. Any other housework that needs done, or errands that need to be ran. Decide what to make for dinner. Take food out of freezer to thaw. Dinner. Maybe catch some re-runs of comedies that are actually funny like Friends, Dharma and Greg, Reba, New Adventures of Old Christine. Go to gym/bike ride/walk. Watch Harry and kids play Call of Duty or FaceTime with kids. Shower. Snuggle in bed and watch DVR'd shows or movies. Sleep. Intermix FaceBook, Pinterest, Blogging, Words with Friends, job applications, phone calls catching up with friends/family, in there, too. If I'm lucky, I'll get some reading or sewing or painting done.
I lead an exciting life, people, I really need to calm down before I hurt myself.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Six through...um...eleven? Geez, Louise.
Well I really dropped the ball on this one! So much for blogging every day. That definitely did not work for me last week. I resolve to do better this week. Here goes nothing.
P.S. This might be a long one. Please bear with me...
Six: What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
I would be lying if I didn't say that my mom's death wasn't the hardest thing I've ever experienced. There's no need to go into detail about it, since I frequently write about it on this blog. I will say this, though: I believe that out of bad comes good, and I believe there was good that came from such a tragedy.
Seven: What is your dream job, and why?
This is such a timely question for me right now since I have been doing some soul-searching on this topic. I feel like so many things could be my dream job. I love to write, because it's a great way to express your feelings and get your point across without fear of interruption. It's also a wonderful outlet to create new worlds to travel to within your mind. On the other hand, I've always loved fashion and think it would be awesome to be a fashion merchandiser or buyer - though I have no classical training in this field whatsoever. And on the third imaginary hand, I would still love to work in the field of psychology, possibly as a family therapist. So basically my answer is, "I have no freaking clue." Try looking for that one in the classifieds!
Eight: What are 5 passions you have?
Nine: List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
Ten: Describe your most embarrassing moment.
Um, yeah, that's probably gonna be the banana-peel slip whilst in the middle of a kick line at state cheerleading. Yes, the one you read about in Three, Four. Yes, I do have it on videotape. No, you may not see it.
Eleven: Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
P.S. This might be a long one. Please bear with me...
Six: What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
I would be lying if I didn't say that my mom's death wasn't the hardest thing I've ever experienced. There's no need to go into detail about it, since I frequently write about it on this blog. I will say this, though: I believe that out of bad comes good, and I believe there was good that came from such a tragedy.
Seven: What is your dream job, and why?
This is such a timely question for me right now since I have been doing some soul-searching on this topic. I feel like so many things could be my dream job. I love to write, because it's a great way to express your feelings and get your point across without fear of interruption. It's also a wonderful outlet to create new worlds to travel to within your mind. On the other hand, I've always loved fashion and think it would be awesome to be a fashion merchandiser or buyer - though I have no classical training in this field whatsoever. And on the third imaginary hand, I would still love to work in the field of psychology, possibly as a family therapist. So basically my answer is, "I have no freaking clue." Try looking for that one in the classifieds!
Eight: What are 5 passions you have?
- I am passionate about my family.
- I am passionate about my home and making it "homey" and an inviting place for family and friends.
- I am passionate about my friendships.
- I am passionate about documenting our lives through pictures and written histories, like this blog.
- I am passionate about learning about history, including my own.
Nine: List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
- My dad has influenced me to work hard to support your family (not only financially but through actions as well), be frugal, and enjoy the small things in life.
- My mom influenced me to follow my dreams, pursue my education, read, and put your children first.
- Harry has influenced me to never settle for less than you deserve.
- Samantha and Michael have influenced/taught me what unconditional love is.
- Mrs. Kelly influenced me to never stop learning. Also, to play nice with others.
- Professor K influenced me to have a "just in case" file - also to remember that every day above the ground is better than being under it. (She was my professor in my "Sociology of Death and Dying" class, in case you were wondering).
- People reading this blog have influenced me to keep writing it.
- Bella influenced me to put a border fence up around the garden. Bella is one of my dogs.
- All of my friends influence me to be a better person, while always being myself.
- The Homeowners Association influences me (and Harry) to cut our yard and weed the flower bed.
Ten: Describe your most embarrassing moment.
Um, yeah, that's probably gonna be the banana-peel slip whilst in the middle of a kick line at state cheerleading. Yes, the one you read about in Three, Four. Yes, I do have it on videotape. No, you may not see it.
Eleven: Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
- People who don't signal while driving
- Poor grammar and also the use of "text" lingo in actual letters and/or emails
- Tampon commercials
- I HATE when people misspell things to be cute. Example: daycares called Kids' Korner. Yeah, I'm not sending a kid somewhere that can't even spell it's own name. It's not cute. It's stupid.
- When the weather forecast is wrong - I'm looking at you, Weather Channel!
- People who don't leash their dogs
- Generic brand Cheetos or Doritos
- People who interrupt my Desperate Housewives time, although that has apparently come to an end...
- Couples that share Facebook or email accounts and/or cell phones (even when they have their own cell phones)
- People who can't figure out a 4-way stop
By the way, I asked Harry to help me out with "Eleven" and he said, "most of your pet peeves have to do with traffic, weather, and grammar." He knows me all too well...
Monday, May 14, 2012
Day 5: What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
- My family: Harry, Samantha, Michael
- My puppies
- The killer new shoes I just bought
- The fact that summer is almost here
- The promise of a bright future
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Three. Four. Shut the door.
Sorry, I couldn't resist the title.
Anyway, oops! I missed yesterday. I had a good excuse though, promise. I was at my niece's baby shower, which was tons of fun. I'll catch up today with both 3 and 4.
Three: Describe your relationship with your parents.
Since my mom is in heaven, I like to think that our relationship involves her being my angel. I believe it, too.
My dad and I definitely have our days, as any parent/sibling team does, but believe it or not, we have gotten much closer since my mom passed away. Perhaps that is part of the good coming out of the bad. He still likes to lecture me, but I have learned that letting him "teach" me things, like how to properly remodel a bathroom, is good for us.
I have learned through my relationships with my parents, and now my relationships with my step kids that part of really connecting between parents and kids requires both parties to realize that the other one is their own person - loving, learning, growing, falling down, getting back up - just trying to make it one day at a time.
Four: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
Anyway, oops! I missed yesterday. I had a good excuse though, promise. I was at my niece's baby shower, which was tons of fun. I'll catch up today with both 3 and 4.
Three: Describe your relationship with your parents.
Since my mom is in heaven, I like to think that our relationship involves her being my angel. I believe it, too.
My dad and I definitely have our days, as any parent/sibling team does, but believe it or not, we have gotten much closer since my mom passed away. Perhaps that is part of the good coming out of the bad. He still likes to lecture me, but I have learned that letting him "teach" me things, like how to properly remodel a bathroom, is good for us.
I have learned through my relationships with my parents, and now my relationships with my step kids that part of really connecting between parents and kids requires both parties to realize that the other one is their own person - loving, learning, growing, falling down, getting back up - just trying to make it one day at a time.
Four: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
- Next time you're driving and you smell fire, and wonder, "Is that my car?" it will be, so pull over.
- You're struggling right now with who you can count on. The people you think you can't count on - you're right. The girls who you are thinking are probably your true friends absolutely are, without a doubt. They'll dance with you at your wedding. You'll share in the joys of their weddings, graduations, and babies. You'll comfort each other through death, divorce, unemployment. And through it all, you'll love each other like sisters.
- Everything happens for a reason. You'll figure that one out eventually, but the sooner you do, the better off you'll be.
- Argue less with Mom and Dad. You'll understand where they are coming from (in most cases) soon enough.
- There is a reason why people make right hand turns into Emma's driveway from the center lane, but go ahead and try it from the right lane. See what happens. It's a good story.
- Don't bother stressing out about the AP Chemistry exam. You're going to get a 1. The same score you would have gotten if you had only written your name on it. It's okay, you're not destined to be a scientist.
- Call Grandma and Nana more often.
- Take a deep breath of fresh, clean, Rocky Mountain air every morning. Even if it's cold and hurts your insides and freezes your boogers.
- Practice your kick line. More notably, practice not slipping "banana-peel" style while doing said kick line.
- Take comfort in knowing that you will have fun in high school, you will love college, but they are nowhere near the best things you have waiting for you. But you can't go wrong by carrying band-aids, extra bobby pins, and lip gloss in your purse. And I will leave the rest up to you...
Friday, May 11, 2012
It's Day Two of the challenge. In case you need catching up, you can read all about it here.
Two: List 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
Two: List 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
- Fear of losing those I love I feel like this should be a legitimate fear for (1) anyone who is breathing and (2) anyone who loves others who are also breathing. The realities of life have made this a fear.
- Fear of being run over and/or off the road by a semi-truck/18-wheeler This is a legitimate fear for me because it's already happened to me.
- Fear of showering during a thunderstorm Okay, in all honesty, I'm not positive this is a legitimate fear, but I've always heard you should steer clear of running water/plumbing while indoors during a thunderstorm (because obviously you shouldn't be outside, anyway) because if your house gets hit by lightning you could be electrocuted. Is this true? I don't know. But I'll keep being afraid of it anyway.
Thanks for reading! Stop by tomorrow for more life-changing revelations.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
It's Day One of my 30 day self-challenge, so here goes!
Challenge One: List 20 random things about yourself.
- I thoroughly enjoy singing along to musicals and pretending I'm the star.
- I have a generally excellent sense of direction.
- I prefer pink shades for nail polish, but secretly wish I was daring enough to rock bolder colors.
- I dream of traveling the world, but I am a little scared of going to other countries (even though I've been to one before).
- I do not eat anything that dwells in the water, with the exception of the occasional seaweed.
- I love the smell of libraries and library books.
- I wish I had a card catalog - like the whole wooden piece of furniture.
- Okay, actually I wish I had my own library within my house.
- I love classic fashion, a la Jackie O. and Kate Middleton.
- I use my psychology degree to silently diagnose people as I am speaking to them. Other than that, it hasn't really been a lucrative choice for me.
- I enjoy rainy days so I can stay inside and snuggle.
- I prefer snow over rain 99% of the time.
- People-watching is one of my favorite hobbies.
- I love pictures and the stories one can tell using them.
- I hate grammatical errors.
- I save old voicemails from my husband and listen to them when I'm bored or feeling blue.
- I love family dinners.
- I am terribly afraid of heights and have a fear of escalators. Don't worry, it's not a debilitating-need to get Dr. Phil's help-kind of fear, but it's still there.
- Being a {step}mom has been one of the most unexpected (when imagining my life when I was younger), crazy/beautiful, life-altering, and amazing things that's ever happened to me. I like to hope it's worked out pretty well for them, too.
- My favorite thing is having my family home and the house filled with noise.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thirty Things
Hi friends! I'm back. I have been busy these last few weeks, but that's not the entire reason I haven't blogged lately.
I actually had several posts for both of my blogs that were thisclose to being done and apparently my "autosave" feature wasn't working. Sadly, when I came back to publish them, they were lost off in cyberspace. Truly tragic. I got pretty discouraged since I had spent so much time writing and loading pictures.
Hopefully I can get ambitious enough to redo the posts because I had some really fabulous thoughts to share with the world. (Or at least they are fabulous to me). I wanted to tell you all about organizing spaces in my house, my new raised bed garden, and more. If you're lucky, you'll be blessed enough to bask in my glory. *Clears throat and blushes at the thought of being glorious*
So much has been going on around here - spring break, job interviews, traveling for the hub's job and to see family, helping my dad get his house ready to put on the market, repairing a water leak at our rental property, blah, blah, blah - that I haven't had time to do many of the projects on my list, and therefore felt I didn't have much to share (except those few posts I did that disappeared).
Needless to say, I've been lacking inspiration of all sorts, so I took to Pinterest to regain some. I found a post by a friend that linked a blog called Hopes and Dreams where the author took time out of each day for 30 days to write something random about herself. My friend had posted it with the pretense of neat ideas to ask your significant other on dates to better understand and know each other.
I like this idea for so many reasons. 1) All of you can catch a glimpse of me, 2) Maybe I'll learn something about myself I never knew, 3) It's a great way to capture who I am RIGHT NOW and reflect on it later, or let my husband or kids read years down the road and learn something about me.
Here are the 30 Things that Jess @ Hopes and Dreams has inspired me to share with the world!
1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.
1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.
If you want to try this neat challenge, click on the button below and join the fun! I'm starting this challenge today and I hope you do, too!

Saturday, March 17, 2012
my, my, my
Wow! I can't believe today is here. Okay, so I can, it's not like I thought the world was ending yesterday or something, but my, my, my, time sure does fly.
Today, Samantha is going to her first prom! Eek! Dad is pretty nervous about this (his baby girl is growing up too fast, sometimes), but I'm sure she'll have a blast. And look gorgeous doing it, natch. Sam's mom has things set up so her date should have to meet the entire extended family on that side before heading off to the dance. That's a good way to start a first date, right?
Next week, Michael will be running in his first track meet. I remember my first track meet and being terrified of the gun they shoot off at the beginning of the race. Luckily it was startling enough to get my butt moving. Also, luckily, Mike has none of my genetics because I wasn't the fastest...
Oh, and today is Bridgette's 6th birthday. Next year, she'll have to switch to "mature" dog food, according to the Iams label. Our sweet, sweet girl almost wasn't here, as I found her at the pound on her last few days on death row.
Thank goodness for the small miracles that have allowed today to be reality. I love my family.
Today, Samantha is going to her first prom! Eek! Dad is pretty nervous about this (his baby girl is growing up too fast, sometimes), but I'm sure she'll have a blast. And look gorgeous doing it, natch. Sam's mom has things set up so her date should have to meet the entire extended family on that side before heading off to the dance. That's a good way to start a first date, right?
Next week, Michael will be running in his first track meet. I remember my first track meet and being terrified of the gun they shoot off at the beginning of the race. Luckily it was startling enough to get my butt moving. Also, luckily, Mike has none of my genetics because I wasn't the fastest...
Oh, and today is Bridgette's 6th birthday. Next year, she'll have to switch to "mature" dog food, according to the Iams label. Our sweet, sweet girl almost wasn't here, as I found her at the pound on her last few days on death row.
Thank goodness for the small miracles that have allowed today to be reality. I love my family.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Think Teal
My mom was named after Elizabeth Taylor, and they shared today as their birthday. And I was named after my mom. Elizabeth Taylor was my grandmother's favorite actress.
My grandmother was named Elsie Lee. Apparently she and her sister were both named by nurses because their mom (my great-grandmother) either didn't want to name them, or couldn't come up with names. I think my Nana came out better on the deal than her sister who is named Vesta Gertrude (she goes by "Emma," and I can't imagine why...).
When I told Nana I was getting married, her advice to me was,
"I am going to tell you the same thing I told your mom and your sister when they got married. DO NOT name any children you might have after me. I hate my name, and wouldn't wish it on anyone."
She was quite the character. For proof of that, here Nana is, with balloons under her shirt, and wearing her dentures as earrings:
Mom was a character, too. But they were characters on different levels. I doubt she would have posed with balloons and dentures!
I have so many stories about them. I'll save some of those for a different day, though. Part of their stories are sad, but necessary to tell to hopefully save others. My grandmother had breast cancer, and had to have a mastectomy. When she went in for surgery, the doctor found that she had drawn a smiley face on her chest in permanent marker - and that's not even the wackiest story I have about her (as is probably evidenced by the above photo). She passed away years later, however, it was suspected her cancer had returned. My mother passed away from ovarian cancer. It was only one month after the tumor was found and she was gone.
Today, in honor of Elizabeth and Elsie, please click the teal ribbon below to visit the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition's website to learn more about ovarian cancer and its signs and symptoms, as well as it's possible links to breast cancer. You may just save a life. It may be yours.
My grandmother was named Elsie Lee. Apparently she and her sister were both named by nurses because their mom (my great-grandmother) either didn't want to name them, or couldn't come up with names. I think my Nana came out better on the deal than her sister who is named Vesta Gertrude (she goes by "Emma," and I can't imagine why...).
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Nana, Gramps, Alison and I |
"I am going to tell you the same thing I told your mom and your sister when they got married. DO NOT name any children you might have after me. I hate my name, and wouldn't wish it on anyone."
She was quite the character. For proof of that, here Nana is, with balloons under her shirt, and wearing her dentures as earrings:
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Nana, being Nana |
I have so many stories about them. I'll save some of those for a different day, though. Part of their stories are sad, but necessary to tell to hopefully save others. My grandmother had breast cancer, and had to have a mastectomy. When she went in for surgery, the doctor found that she had drawn a smiley face on her chest in permanent marker - and that's not even the wackiest story I have about her (as is probably evidenced by the above photo). She passed away years later, however, it was suspected her cancer had returned. My mother passed away from ovarian cancer. It was only one month after the tumor was found and she was gone.
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My baptism: Mom, the pastor, me, and my dad (isn't he handsome?) |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wicked Writing Tips
I love reading and writing, and my blogs are just another way for me to exercise that hobby. In searching for grad schools, I stumbled upon Southern New Hampshire University and was added to their email list-serv. Here is some excellent - and easy - advice from an amazing author via SNHU.
His tips sure make me feel better about what I'm doing. Maybe it means I'm on the right track.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
remembering you
For most people, I think February symbolizes love, hearts, flowers, candy, pink, red. February reminds me of all the missed opportunities. Not only that, but all the memories that I am terrified will fade away, that I'll no longer be able to recall. The memories we had together. The memories you had that I never knew. My own memories that I fear no one will know if I don't write them down.
Like your favorite color. You used to tell me it was pink, but mine was pink, so I wonder if you were just siding with a toddler rather than reasoning difference with one. How can you know someone 21 years and not be positive what her favorite color was?
I never knew your father was an attorney. Not until last year when it casually came up in a conversation with dad. Did I miss that somewhere? All I ever knew was that he was in the military.
I wonder about how you and dad met. I know the basics, but not the specifics. I have asked him, but there's two sides to every story, but this story is now forever one-sided.
Remember when you used to cut my hair in the kitchen when I was little? I'd sit on those milk jug stools that Dad brought home from Bordens before my time and you painted yellow. Then, when I was older, how I'd cut your hair in the kitchen as you sat on the very same stool.
I remember how you used to tape the Astros games that would air on TV in Rock Springs, and how you'd yell at anyone for telling you the score until you'd watched it, even if it was days later.
Or when the huge box of knitted baby clothes and a handmade ring pillow for a wedding arrived in the mail from your mom, when I was just in high school, along with a note that she might not be around when I had kids, and she wanted me to have them. I thought she was just being her crazy self. The one that made a sock into a purse and wore it to Alison's wedding. But it turned out neither of you made it to my wedding, although that pillow did.
I wonder what you'd think of me now. You never met my husband, my kids. I think you had a lot in common with all of them, and that you'd really get along. Hell, I think even dad likes Harry. Nana thought that was quite impressive. Sometimes I wonder what you'd do in a particular situation or how things might be different. I know it's useless, because you aren't here, but my mind wanders.
February brings your birthday. You'd be 57. Almost exactly 30 years older than me. It's still so weird you aren't here. There's still situations where I am thisclose to picking up the phone to tell you something or ask about your day when I remember.
I remember so many Valentine's Days with you. Even your last. I still have the stuffed puppy dog you brought home to me, not able to bear parting with it. Remember you and dad helping me make my Valentine's card box for the contests at school when I was little. Sharing dinner with you at the French Quarter, not knowing we'd never have another Valentine's date together.
I laid awake late last night with tears streaming down my face for no apparent reason. I guess February really makes me miss you.
Monday, January 30, 2012
I need a full length mirror
I spent all Saturday morning getting ready for an afternoon wedding. It's not that I was in the wedding or had some big responsibility that day. Nope. All I had to do was show up dressed, and my job was pretty much done. The problem was no one was home but me. And 4 dogs.
Have a mentioned that we don't have any full length mirrors in the house? This was never an issue before, because we had one of those huge mirrors in our master bathroom that pretty much went from the sinks to the ceiling and spanned the whole length of our stylish seashell-shaped sink faux marble countertops. You know the kind, the ones that the designers on HGTV joyfully rip out immediately. And so of course, a few months ago when we updated the bathroom, out that mirror went. No big deal, right? Right, until I have to dress up for something.
The last wedding I went to was my own, and I was pretty much set on what to wear. I also had about ten other women sharing a hotel suite with me, so I was good to go as far as advice. Before that I think the last wedding I was at was five years ago, so my fashion etiquette was rusty. Ripping dresses off hangers and digging for shoes, scarves, purses. Can I wear a black dress? Or does that scream "I got confused and thought I was going to a funeral!" Maybe not. Kate Middleton wore black to a wedding. I saw it, and she's golden, so I'm probably okay there. Should I throw that blazer on over my strapless dress or is that too job-interviewy? Mmm...never saw Kate do that, better not. Nylons? Tights? She can pull them off. I better get my ass to Target and find some. Can't wear anything that has a significant amount of white or ivory, so that rules out the cute dress with peacock feathers on it. I thought about texting a friend to find out what she was wearing, but thought better of it deciding that "what are you wearing?" is too junior high.
So I resorted to trying on each dress, with the coordinating tights and shoes, then standing on one leg on the fourth stair up, holding onto the railing with one hand and stretching out my other leg and half my body over the bottom three stairs so I could catch a glimpse of my outfit in the mirror mounted over our fireplace. Let me tell you, I looked classy. It only would be a better mental image for you if I fell off my perch and tumbled down the stairs in my black dress, with my blazer flying up over my head (which, incidentally, almost happened).
My flying-squirrel-in-front-of-the-mirror gig wasn't working for me, so I thought I'd see what my dogs' opinions were. Yep, that's how desperate I was getting. Outside I went, so they could check me out. Charlie couldn't have cared less. He's what I like to call our "simple" dog. All you have to do is say "Chaaaaaar-leeeeee" in a baby voice and wave at him and he's on cloud nine. He'll wag his tail, but only to one side, because that's how he rolls. Lola just ran right past me and went over to pee next to Charlie. She's nice like that. Two down, two to go. Bella thought my dress would look better accessorized with two muddy paw prints right up front. Um no. And then Bridgette moseyed on over. "Excellent," I thought. Bridgette actually has opinions. She prefers green over all other colors, she likes toys that can float in the pool, she even likes wearing clothes herself. The thing with Bridgette is that she really loves me AND she thinks she's the size of Lola (7 lbs) when really, she's about 10 times that, and she enjoys the pool more than anyone else in the family so she's wet ninety percent of the time. Bridgette was all smiles as she came up to me. I thought, "wow, she really likes my outfit." By the way, I know everyone reading this started to think I was crazy by the time they started reading this paragraph, but I promise, I'm mostly not. Moving on. Bridgette started to turn and circle me. "Checking me out," I thought. Wrong. At this point I should mention that Bridge was hit by a car and broke and dislocated her jaw when she was about 6 months old. As a result, her lower jaw sits about a half inch off-kilter and one of her favorite pastimes is having her muzzle scratched. Anyway, she made her way around me and immediately started rubbing the sides of her muzzle on my backside. And her head is right at about the same level as my butt. "Okay, well I see you like this dress, Bridgette, but now I CAN'T wear it, since my butt is now covered in a gloppy mess of your saliva, your hair, and pool water." Yum.
Gray and black dress, with black shrug and patterned tights it is. As it turns out, my friend I almost texted was having the same (albeit probably not as dramatic) issues picking out clothes as I was. Moral of the story, you ask? It's two-fold, it is. 1) Do not ask your dogs for advice. If they care, and that's a big if, when they like something, it will most likely become unwearable, so don't bother (and when you tell others about it, everyone will think you've gone off the deep end); 2) Own a full-length mirror. It will make your life so much easier. Or at the very least, spare you the trouble of nearly ricocheting down some stairs. In my personal experience anyway...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Today I rang in my birthday surrounded by love. I am so blessed to have the most wonderful family and friends.
Twenty-seven things I loved about today:
1. Being woken up at midnight so Harry could tell me happy birthday
2. Sleeping in
3. Orange roses from Harry
4. A piece of homemade cake from my hubby (funfetti with sprinkle frosting - yum! - the first cake he's ever made!)
5. A second piece of cake
6. Sharing cake with my dogs
7. Watching Charlie try to lick the frosting off his nose
8. Gym membership so I can get back to yoga class - yeah!
9. New clothes
10. A singing voicemail from my dad
11. Messages and posts from friends
12. Go-karts with Harry
13. Passing Harry in the go-kart, even though I know he slowed down so I could
14. Having Harry convince the go-kart guy that my niece and nephew should be able to ride go-karts with us for free.
15. Erianna screaming, "this is awesome!!!" on the go-karts
16. Batting cages
17. Missing every pitch at the batting cages
18. Mini golf with the whole family
19. Dinner and drinks
20. A third piece of cake
21. A message from my stepdaughter that said, "Happy birthday Skarin! Love you"
22. A text from a great friend that said, "Shit I just remembered you're old as hell today :)"
23. A text from my love, "I love you birthday girl, sweet dreams"
24. A fourth piece of cake
25. Being old enough to appreciate the day
26. Being too young to care about being older
27. The love of family and friends
Happy birthday to me, thank you to all of you!
Twenty-seven things I loved about today:
1. Being woken up at midnight so Harry could tell me happy birthday
2. Sleeping in
3. Orange roses from Harry
4. A piece of homemade cake from my hubby (funfetti with sprinkle frosting - yum! - the first cake he's ever made!)
5. A second piece of cake
6. Sharing cake with my dogs
7. Watching Charlie try to lick the frosting off his nose
8. Gym membership so I can get back to yoga class - yeah!
9. New clothes
10. A singing voicemail from my dad
11. Messages and posts from friends
12. Go-karts with Harry
13. Passing Harry in the go-kart, even though I know he slowed down so I could
14. Having Harry convince the go-kart guy that my niece and nephew should be able to ride go-karts with us for free.
15. Erianna screaming, "this is awesome!!!" on the go-karts
16. Batting cages
17. Missing every pitch at the batting cages
18. Mini golf with the whole family
19. Dinner and drinks
20. A third piece of cake
21. A message from my stepdaughter that said, "Happy birthday Skarin! Love you"
22. A text from a great friend that said, "Shit I just remembered you're old as hell today :)"
23. A text from my love, "I love you birthday girl, sweet dreams"
24. A fourth piece of cake
25. Being old enough to appreciate the day
26. Being too young to care about being older
27. The love of family and friends
Happy birthday to me, thank you to all of you!
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