
Friday, November 1, 2013

The Return of Saturn

Of late, it seems like I am constantly hearing my friends say things like, "this year was so hard," or, "I just don't know what direction my life is heading into," or, "I don't understand why this is happening," and sadly, "I'm just not happy anymore." Should she continue her education? Is she dating the right person? Does she live in the right place? Will her family be healthy? Happy?

It's mentioned frequently in art, music in particular. Gwen Stefani talked about it years ago, and Katy Perry talked about it most recently on her new album. The Return of Saturn

After doing a little research on the internet, it seems that in our late 20s, Saturn returns to the point in the sky where it was at our birth. According to astrology, this causes a bit of an upheaval in our personal lives. If you don't believe in astrology, think of it this way: moving from one's 20s to one's 30s usually involves a lot of milestones that can be stressful and make one question everything. Careers, marriage, babies, the health of aging parents, etc. can all come into play at this point.

In my investigation, I discovered a wonderful little blog with a "Survival Guide" to your Return of Saturn. Check it out here: How to Survive Your Saturn Return. She has some pretty great advice for dealing with this major checkpoint of life, and life in general. I'm sure everyone has heard at least some of these tips before, but seeing it from another perspective is always useful. 

Borrowing a little phrase: Read, ponder, and pray. These three simple steps can bring you into a greater understanding of your world.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Veil

They say kids say the darnedest things. They really do. Random, darned things.

On Saturday, after his and Erianna's soccer game, I was hanging out in the bleachers with Eli while he ate his snack. Out of nowhere he said, very matter-of-factly, "Auntie, you're my mommy's sister."

"Yes, that's right," I replied.

"And my grandpa is your daddy and mommy's daddy."

"Yep, Grandpa is our dad."

"And my old grandma was your mommy."


Wow, random soccer-field talk. Especially for a 5-year-old child who never met my mom. I guess Eli's just trying to put 2 and 2 together and understand our family web. I remember being a little kid and trying to figure out my family - which even as uncomplicated as it really was - was confusing enough for a kid brain, and they were all alive and kicking at the time.


During our Sunday sermon this past weekend, our pastor was talking about how to pray and just be in the moment or in a place to experience God. We read the passage of the New Testament where Jesus goes on top of the mountain to pray about what he must do at the cross. In that passage, Moses and Elijah appear to Jesus. Oh yes, and they just happen to be dead at the time.

Our pastor talked about how very paper thin the veil between this world and the next is, and in his own words, how, if He really wanted to, God could just let our dearly departed "pop back in on us." The pastor spoke of how the church was full, and not only with the congregation, but with those who have come and gone before us.


Then suddenly, Eli's comment wasn't so random anymore. Shortly after my mom died - I can't remember if it was the summer she passed away, or if it was later that holiday season - I'm pretty sure she was around quite a bit. Depending on the time of year it was, Erianna was either not quite a year, or just over that mark - she was still bald, which I guess covered her life until about the age of 2, though. She was in that phase where she was working on standing and walking, but would frequently hold onto things while standing.

In the front living room at my parent's house sat my mom's chair. Before she died, she would sit in it after work; reading a book, talking on the phone, or rocking Erianna. I remember one afternoon, we were all at my dad's house. Since Erianna was in the early stages of being mobile, she was still a bit difficult to keep up with. I found her in the front room, holding onto my mom's chair, looking right at the empty seat, her whole face lit up. She was giggling and "talking" to no one. Or to someone.

I don't always feel my mom around like I used to, but I know she's still here. It was evident when Erianna was "talking" to her seven years ago. It's evident when Eli casually mentions her.

It's always hard to lose someone you love, but as we were reminded of so sweetly this weekend, those that love us never truly leave us. The veil is paper thin, after all.

Friday, October 11, 2013


I have a really great, long-time friend (not old friend, because we aren't old), who has been going through some rough times lately. She recently wrote a blog about 5 little words spoken to her by her dad. It's part of your journey, he told her when she spoke of her anger, sadness, and frustration. She said it was like 5 nails in a coffin.

Abby, my friend, don't think of these words, events, and frustrations as nails in your coffin. Yes, they are part of your journey, but more than anything, they are 5 strings that have been cut, snapped, and let loose, freeing you for that journey. You're now off where you were always headed, taking a turn down a road you never saw, but that was part of the plan, even if it wasn't your plan.

I've struggled with what to say to you, other than I'm here for you, which hopefully you already knew. We all get handed the short end of the stick at some point in life, but there's no point in comparing experiences because nobody gets the same stick. Even with some of the things I have dealt with in life, I firmly believe there is a reason why each and every thing happens. You can't always see it in the moment. You can't always see it ten years down the line, but it's there. Looking back on this years from now, you will probably remember life before the accident and after. There will be a huge differentiation; it will be like a mark on your very soul. It's going to change you, for the better. How do I know this? Mostly because you're a badass. You're caring, contemplative, thoughtful. You will take in each and every fractured fragment of this experience and carry it with you for the rest of your life. You are not the kind of person who will become bitter. You'll have hard days where you'll cry and wonder why, what if, and what could have been. We all do. But then you'll realize how amazing everything turned out anyway, and be glad that you were lead down this rocky, bumpy, pot-hole filled road. Life is never going to turn out the way we plan it. That's what makes things interesting. It's not always sunshine and laughter, but sometimes we have to weather the storm to really appreciate the beautiful days.

I love you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Little Boxes

We moved a number of times growing up, and going along with my parents to look at new houses was always the most exciting part for me. Inevitably, we'd end up driving through one of those track-home neighborhoods where every other house looks the same.

"Little boxes made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same," my dad would sing in a high-pitched, almost staccato voice. He refused to live in one of those little boxes that was just like everyone else's. He sang it every time we looked at houses. He sang it when Harry and I were house hunting. He sang it most recently when I went with him to look for his new house a few months ago.

It wasn't until I started watching the TV show, Weeds, a few years ago that I realized that Little Boxes was a real song that my dad didn't make up.

It's funny how crazy I thought he was singing that song all those years ago, but at the same time thinking he was genius for coming up with it. I guess there's a part of us all that believes our parents are masterful beings, while still figuring they might be a little off their rockers.

The other day I told my dad about my belief that he created Little Boxes. He, of course, thought it was hilarious, but also had a look on his face of pride. Perhaps it was pride that his brand of crazy rubbed off on me.

He, in turn, told me that my sister confessed to him that she started yelling threats at her kids reminiscent of him and my mom. "I don't care who started it! I'm gonna finish it!" she apparently told them, along with my dad's favorite quote, "If you don't have time to do it right, how will you ever have time to do it over?" He liked that one so much, he had it framed and hung on his office wall.

It's a pretty common thing for people to say they don't want to turn into their parents. Even if mine might be or have been a little nutty, I smile when I start to do something like they did, or mutter one of their little sayings.

I, too, sing Little Boxes when I drive through one of those look-alike neighborhoods. I guess I'm working on turning into my dad. My parents aren't perfect human beings, but they are pretty awesome people. I'm cool with being a little box. After all, we are Smiths and we all look just the same.

Friday, May 24, 2013

This is the Story of a Girl...give or take 10 years.

Tomorrow marks ten years since I graduated high school alongside my fellow Tigers. Next week, my stepdaughter will walk across the stage at her own high school graduation. Somehow, the past ten years have flown by. So much has happened over the years, although it doesn't seem that long.

I still basically feel the same as I did when I was 18, albeit, my eyesight is slightly worse (but I've worn glasses nearly 20 years now, anyway), and my joints ache a bit in the mornings. I'm still the same height (shockingly enough, I never got that growth spurt), still like the same types of movies and music, and only just in the last few months stopped driving a Saturn. Hell, there's even a new Fast and the Furious sequel out this weekend and Nelly just did a duet with a Country act. Um, wait...did I actually travel back to 2003?

Kristen, Megan, Alyssa, me, Erin F., and Bethany
At our senior Homecoming Bonfire.
Alas, even if I do not feel different, I am sure that I am. If anything, life is different. Instead of working at the Candy Basket so I could buy clothes and CDs, money now goes towards mortgages, car payments, and groceries; which is okay by me. Life is good, and while never perfect and it quite honestly feels like a hot mess a lot of days, I couldn't ask for more than I have been lucky enough to be blessed with these past ten years...

Erin F., me, Andi, Kristen, Kaylin, and Abby on my and Andi's 18th birthday
Back in the days before everyone had digital cameras, when you never knew people looked crazy until you developed...
...including my friends. I'm so very thankful that several of the people who were with me on that warm May afternoon a decade ago, are still around in my life. I'm also thankful that I've been blessed enough to add some incredible new people into the mix along the way, too. Here's to my old classmates, far but not forgotten, and all of 2013's graduates who are going out into the real world - Welcome to the Jungle!

Raven, Kaylin, Erin F., and me at graduation

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, mommies-to-be, step moms, godmothers, aunts, older sisters,
friends'-moms-who-are-practically-your-mom, etc.

As always, I'm missing my mom today, so I thought I'd lighten the mood and share this fun photo. This is my mom, dad, and my sister, Alison, dressed up for an old-fashioned photo when my mom was pregnant with me:

Quite a good lookin' bunch, if you ask me.
Sending love this Mother's Day, to the heavens and back.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

saying my piece on peace...

I fully believe that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I believe that opinion is entitled regardless of whether it is deemed to be "too religious" or, on the contrast, "too ungodly".

I don't believe that one should be bullied for his or her opinions, no matter how different they are from yours. I do not believe it is right to bully a bully into believing what you believe.

Most people are too quick to judge. You have no right to judge someone because they do not agree with you, regardless of "what side of history" they are on. Have a productive, persuasive conversation with them so they might understand your side. Don't be a bulldozer, and say you're doing it in the name of a just cause.

All Democrats are not extremist Liberals, and all Republicans are not religious zealots. Stop pigeonholing the masses.

You will never win people over by belittling another human being, regardless of how ridiculous you think said human being is behaving.